15 Home Remedies for UTI in Dogs You Will Love
A dog urinary tract infection, or UTI, is not a fun experience- for you or your dog. A UTI is painful and can cause even the best toilet trained dogs to have frequent accidents. Besides being painful your dog will feel stressed during this time since they will not understand what is happening to them. I have found home remedies for UTI in dogs to help heal and soothe your dog and bring them back to their normal state of health.
Apart from following these remedies, you can also take other preventive steps such as providing your dog with special food for kidney health and making sure he stays hydrated. Avoid foods that can aggravate UTIs and instead add cooling foods to your pup’s diet.
My passion for pet health goes beyond my own pets as I want nothing more for other pet owners to have a healthy and loving experience with their animals. This is why I advocate for home remedies. They are easy to use and safe for your pets- often much safer than prescription medication. If your dog is experiencing a UTI, these herbal remedies will come to the rescue.
Urinary tract infections can occur in any breed of dog at any age, yet the female dog is more susceptible to contracting urinary tract infections. The same rings true for dogs older than seven years of age and any dogs that have been diagnosed with diabetes.There are several conditions that can cause your dog to have a urinary tract infection. Conditions of the lower urinary tract that can lead to a UTI can include:
- Trauma
- Stress
- Cancer
- Dogs diagnosed with Adrenal Disease
- Bladder infection or inflammation
- Blockage of the urethra (the tube that will allow urine to pass from the bladder to the outside of the body)
- Crystals, stones, or debris accumulating in the urethra or the bladder
- Abnormalities in the spinal cord
- Prostate disease
- Congenital abnormalities
- Weak bladder due to hormone issues
- Incontinence due to excessive water intake
In addition to older dogs, or dogs that have been diagnosed with diabetes, pregnant dogs can also be at risk for developing a UTI. This is due to the hormonal changes she is going through. In the later terms of pregnancy, the puppies will be pressing on her bladder and she will be frequently urinating. During this stage of pregnancy is when your dog will be at the most risk for contracting a UTI.
When your dog has developed a urinary tract infection, they will begin to exhibit a variety of signs and/or symptoms. The severity of your dog’s signs and symptoms will be determined by the severity of the urinary tract infection. Here are the signs and symptoms you should be aware of as they can indicate a urinary tract infection in your dog:
- Frequent urination
- Straining while urinating
- Urinating frequently, but only small amounts
- Lethargy
- Blood in the urine (will usually appear pinkish in color, unless the urinary tract infection is severe and then the blood will appear bright red)
- Frequent licking of the genitals
- Refusing or hiding food
- Dark yellow or even brown urine
- Urine with a strong, foul smell
- Taking more time than usual to urinate
- Intense lower back pain (your dog will be sensitive in this area and may arch their back as well. This is a way for them to try to relieve the pain the feel)
- Irritability or more aggressive than normal
- Acting as if they need to urinate when in fact nothing comes out or only a few droplets will be expelled.
- Urinating inside the house or in their cage or crate instead of letting you know they need to go out.
Frequent UTI’s can often be a sign of something more troublesome such as bladder stones or kidney stones in dogs. If you have noticed any of the above symptoms in your dog, you will need to begin treatment right away to prevent the urinary tract infection from developing into something more serious such as bladder or kidney stones or further infections. Or in even worse cases, frequent urinary tract infections can indicate renal failure.
Natural remedies are often used to fight infections in humans and there are several remedies that can help heal your dog and make them feel more comfortable while they are recuperating from their urinary tract infection.If you suspect that your dog has contracted a urinary tract infection gather a urine sample for your vet to examine. The urine sample should be gathered in a clean, sealable container and should be given to the vet within four hours so the testing done is accurate.
This step is important for proper diagnosis and to ensure your dog does not have something more serious. After you have a diagnosis for a urinary tract infection in your dog, you should begin home remedies right away.
1. Administer Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural anti-septic and anti-bacterial agent. When it is in your dog’s system it will fight off any bacteria present as well as create an acidic environment that will kill the bacteria and prevent further growth.
Required Ingredients:
- Add 1 teaspoon for small dogs and 1-2 tablespoons for big dogs of Apple cider vinegar to your dog’s drinking water.
- Repeat up to twice per day for a period of 7 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the UTI.
Notes: Make sure to offer a second bowl of fresh drinking water that does not have apple cider vinegar just in case your dog does not want to drink the water with the apple cider vinegar. The last thing you want is your dog to become dehydrated as it will further progress and irritate the UTI.
2. Give Your Dog a Hot Bath

Giving your dog a nice warm bath can help to relieve any pain they are experiencing as well as enable any bacteria build-up on or near the urethra opening to be flushed away. Frequent baths can help to prevent the UTI from returning and prevent the bacteria from spreading elsewhere.
Required Ingredients:
- Bath
- Hot Water
- Gentle and mild soap. (Using a shampoo formulated for babies or made with oatmeal are gentle ways to ensure that the soap does not irritate the genitals.)
- Draw a hot bath for your dog. Make sure the temperature is not too hot and the water level is not too deep.
- Allow your dog to soak in the bath for 10 minutes for muscle relief.
- Gently wash your dog and pay attention to the genital area. Do not leave soap in this area for long.
- Rinse with clean, warm water.
- Give your dog a bath every few days while they have the UTI and make sure to bathe them at least once per week after the UTI has cleared up.
3. Ensure Plenty of Fluid Intake

During a UTI your dog will require large amounts of fluids to ensure the bacteria is flushed properly from their system. Keep an eye on your dog throughout the day to ensure they are getting plenty of fluid intake.
Required Ingredients:
- Additional water bowls
- Fresh water
- Place a few additional water bowls around the home and/or in your dog’s area.
- Change the water once to twice daily to ensure the water is fresh and not going stagnant.
4. Administer Vitamin C
Whenever your dog is feeling under the weather, giving your dog Vitamin C is a great way to boost their immune system and give them the extra kick they need to fight off the UTI. Additionally, Vitamin C will cause the urine to become acidic which will promote healing and flush out the present bacteria.
Required Ingredients:
- Crush one Vitamin C tablet and sprinkle over your dog’s food.
- Give your dog the Vitamin C tablet once per day for up to seven days.
Notes: Take caution to not give your dog too much Vitamin C as strongly acidic urine could potentially lead to a UTI.
5. Administer Citrus Juice

Citrus juices such as lemon, lime, orange, and cranberry juices will give your dog a boost of vitamins, including vitamin C. These juices will also act to make the urine acidic and help to flush out the bacteria causing the UTI.
Required Ingredients:
- 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of your chosen citrus juice.
- Syringe or spoon
- Measure out the amount of juice you want to give your dog.
- If they like the taste, allow them to drink it from a spoon or small bowl.
- If they are more finicky, draw up the juice with the syringe.
- If you are using a syringe open your dog’s mouth gently and release the juice into their mouth. Gently close your dog’s mouth and massage their throat to ensure they swallow the juice.
Notes: No matter which type of juice you choose to use, ensure it is not from concentrate and it is all natural. Also make sure the juice does not contain sugar as the sugar can further aggravate your dog’s UTI.
6. Administer Cantharsis
Cantharsis is a very common home remedy for UTI’s in dogs. You can easily find it in tablet or pellet form in natural food shops or homeopath shops. The great thing about Cantharsis is how strong it is and how quickly it can assist your dog with her UTI.
Required Ingredients:
- 3 tablets or pellets of Cantharsis
- ½ cup of Warm Water
- Syringe
- Mortar and pestle
- Sealable container
- Crush the 3 Cantharsis tablets with your mortar and pestle.
- Add the crushed Cantharsis to the sealable container, followed by the warm water.
- Stir until the Cantharsis is fully dissolved.
- With your syringe, draw up approximately one cc.
- Give your dog the Cantharsis and allow her to rest.
- Check her condition and repeat the dosage instructions below if needed.
Notes: The severity of the UTI will depend on the dosage to give your dog.For a severe UTI- One cc of Cantharsis, three times, fifteen minutes apart.For less severe or milder UTI: One cc of Cantharsis, three times, half an hour- or even an hour apart.
7. Administer Mercurius
Mercurius is another poteen homeopathic remedy that will help to heal and cure the UTI. Remember it is a homeopathic remedy, so it does not contain the toxic chemical Mercury despite its namesake. You will be able to find it in pellet or tablet form and it is very similar to Cantharsis, just a little more effective for UTI’s.
Required Ingredients:
- 3 tablets or pellets of Mercurius
- ½ cup of Warm Water
- Syringe
- Mortar and pestle
- Sealable container
- Crush the 3 Mercurius tablets with your mortar and pestle.
- Add the crushed Mercurius to the sealable container, followed by the warm water.
- Stir until the Mercurius is fully dissolved.
- With your syringe, draw up approximately one cc.
- Give your dog the Mercurius and allow her to rest.
- Check her condition and repeat the dosage instructions below if needed.
Note: The severity of the UTI will depend on the dosage to give your dog.For a severe UTI- One cc of Mercurius, three times, fifteen minutes apart.For less severe or milder UTI: One cc of Mercurius, three times, half an hour- or even an hour apart.
8. Administer Fresh Blueberries or Cranberries

Cranberries are commonly given to humans for assistance with a UTI and they can also work well for your dog. The cranberries and blueberries will help to lower the Ph of your dog’s bladder which will prevent the bacteria from attaching to the bladder and urethra walls. In addition, cranberries and blueberries will improve the functionality of your dog’s gastrointestinal tract.
Required Ingredients:
- Fresh blueberries or cranberries
- Chop the blueberries or cranberries finely and add approximately two teaspoons to your dog’s food.
- Repeat twice daily for seven to ten days.
Notes: Make sure you chop the blueberries or cranberries so your dog does not choke on them. If you do not have access to these fresh fruits, you can used dried- just be sure there is no added sugar.
9. Administer Neem or Chamomile Tea

Neem is a strong anti-bacterial agent and can help to fight against the bacteria that causes the UTI. Neem will also act as a an anti-inflammatory which will help to soothe your dog’s pain.
Chamomile has the same affects as the Neem tea, yet it will act as a stronger anti-inflammatory agent. This is especially great if your dog is in large amounts of pain or discomfort caused by the UTI.
Both of these teas will act as a diuretic- which means it will prompt your dog’s body to flush liquids from its system.
Required Ingredients:
- Dried Neem leaf or Chamomile buds (do not use tea bags)
- 1 cup of Hot water
- Strainer
- Add the tea of your choice to the hot water and allow it to brew for 3-4 minutes.
- Once the tea is brewed, strain the tea and allow it to cool.
- Add the tea to your dog’s water bowl and let her drink it at her leisure.
- Give her the tea once daily while she has the UTI.
Notes: If your dog does not drink the tea from her bowl, you can give her the tea using a syringe.
10. Administer Herbal Tinctures

There are several herbal tinctures that can aid in the recovery of a UTI in dogs. The following herbal tinctures will aid in inflammation as well as help to fight off any bacteria present: juniper berry extract, goldenrod, nettle, sweet almond, rosewood, sandalwood, and horsetail.
Required Ingredients:
- Herbal tincture of your choice.
- Open the tincture and place into your dog’s mouth.
- Close your dog’s mouth and massage their throat gently so they swallow the tincture.
- Repeat twice daily until the UTI is no longer present.
11. Administer Echinacea

Photo Credit: bootscom
Echinacea can give your dog a soothing effect and help with inflammation caused by the UTI. It is not as potent as other home remedies yet when used alongside other home remedies, you can allow your dog to have a faster recovery time.
Required Ingredients:
- Crush the Echinacea tablets and add ½ a teaspoon to 1 tablespoon (depending on the size of your dog) to your dog’s food.
- Repeat twice daily until the UTI is gone.
12. Administer Uva Ursi
Uva Ursi is a strong antiseptic that is often used for kidney, bladder, and urinary tract infections. It is gentle enough to be used on your dog and in fact will help to clear the urinary tract of bacteria.
Required Ingredients:
- Crush the Uva Ursi tablets and add ½ teaspoon to 1 teaspoon to your dog’s food.
- Repeat twice daily until your dog no longer has a UTI.
13. Adjust Your Dog’s Diet

During a UTI you will need to adjust and closely monitor your dog’s diet. You want to make sure they are getting plenty of food so they can have the vitamins and strength to fight off the infection and you want to ensure they are plenty hydrated during this time.
Required Ingredients:
- Wet food or raw meat
- Fresh vegetables
- Change out her dry kibble or dry food with wet food or raw meat.
- Add freshly chopped vegetables to give her a vitamin boost.
- Continue feeding your dog these foods during her UTI.
Notes: If your dog does not like wet food or is quite finicky, you can add water to her dry kibble to ensure she stays well hydrated.
14. Avoid Overexertion

While your dog has a UTI, she will need plenty of rest in order to recuperate. It is advised to limit her exercise and avoid taking her for walks or socializing with other dogs so she does not over exert her energy and lengthen the healing process.
Required Ingredients:
- Comfortable place for your dog to lay. Add blankets or pillows to her normal resting place.
- Make sure your dog lays in her space and stays warm.
- Keep her on limited activity for at least a week so she can easily fight off the UTI.
15. Administer Berberis Vulgaris
Berberis Vulgaris is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, as well as a natural pain reliever. Berberis Vulgaris will also aid in clearing the bladder and urethra of bacteria while at the same time soothing your dog.
Berberis Vulgaris will also help to strengthen the bladder so your dog will have a reduced risk of contracting another UTI in the future.
Required Ingredients:
- Crush the Berberis tablets.
- Add 1 teaspoon to your dog’s food.
- Repeat twice per day for seven days for best results.
Notes: Berberis Vulgaris can have a bitter taste and if you find that adding it to your dog’s food does not work, you can use a syringe to administer the Berberis Vulgaris. Once the berberis vulgaris is crushed, add it to warm water and allow it to dissolve. Use a syringe to draw up one cc of the mixture and give it to your dog. Twice per day is still recommended.
At the end of the day, your dog’s health is very important to you, and to me. I hope that you have enjoyed this list and I hope that even one of these amazing home remedies were found useful to you and your dog.
Keeping pets healthy can sometimes be difficult which is why I have made it my mission to provide the best home remedies possible. When your dog is ill it can be a stressful time for you and your dog and that’s why I have chosen to share these home remedies with you.
If you have found the benefits of these cures and natural remedies for a urinary tract infection in your dog, please let me know! I would like to hear your story and find out which home remedies you used to help make your dog healthy and happy again. Please feel free to comment or share this article so others can be aware of the power of natural remedies.
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The ACV treatment added to Raw Goats Milk (available at any holistic pet store) seemed to work for Lola, our 5 year old Poodle/Chihuahua mix. She’s been through the bladder infection twice within the last four months. It seems quite painful for her, and of course her urinary habits change. It seems to hurt her to expel the urine. She also tends to whine and cry a little while she does it. I’ve also included a little vanilla yogurt in her diet mixed with a small amount of ACV. I’ll have to monitor her progress. But so far, it’s been about 1 full day with it and she already seems to be getting better.
Thank you for putting this information online. I tried to get my dog to a vet after he showed signs of a urine infection but they closed by the time I got there. I looked for information and came across this site. I got some apple cider vinegar, lemon, blueberries and vitamin C tablets. He was passing fresh blood with the urine and was urinating frequently I was unsure that these remedies would work but I was amazed that they did. He is now completely back to normal 5 days later showing improvement from the first day. Thanks again for this information I always thought that antibiotics would have been my only choice.
where can you purchase uva ursi \ natures way for dogs n how well does it work n how safe is it ?? also the enchinacea n is this to be used with the uva ursi ? thanks
When my dog went to pee this evening there was blood. I cant afford to take her to the vet, I don’t have the money. can you send me the cheapest home reamedy that you like the best. Thank you
Keep your dog’s water bowl full and offer them regular snacks to keep their hunger pangs away. You can also give him or her some apple cider vinegar, Neem oil (or chamomile tea) vitamin C tablets in order for the canine digestive system to work properly!
Hi, how many table spoons of orange juice should I give my dog everyday and for how long?
The amount of orange juice you should give your dog depends on how long they have been drinking it. If your dog is new to orange juice, start with a small amount and work up to the suggested serving size. For example, start with 1/2 tablespoon per day and increase by 1/2 tablespoon every week until you reach the desired amount. A good general guideline is to give your dog 1 tablespoon of orange juice for every 20 pounds of body weight per day. So, if your dog weighs 40 pounds, you would give them 2 tablespoons of orange juice per day. Serve size can be adjusted as needed based on your dog’s calorie needs. Orange juice can be a refreshing treat for dogs and provide important vitamins.
Thanks for the information, definitely i used in my dogs if happend. But my yorky suffer of collapse trachea, any inf about it? Thanks
Thanks for 15 home remedies. It’s Sunday, vet is closed administered ACV and she already seems better. Never knew there were so many things I could do before vet on Monday
Hi and hanks for the remedies. Toby showed signs of pink in his urine today so I will buy some acv and start administering right away. Nowhere can I find info on what causes uti, although there are many homeopathic remedies. Vets nowadays seem more interested in getting that house in the south of France than in helping people with lower incomes, so thanks again! Gregory
Thank you so much for the list, I have a 10 year old chihuahua and he’s having a difficult time urinating. I’m trying the ACV+lemon first and plenty of fresh water. Vets near me just wanted to give him antibiotics and possible surgery, costing my family over $1k.
Thank you very much. When I search for helpful information especially when it comes to our canine babies I usually go to several sights finding the common denominators that will help aid in fighting off, preventing & making any illness our beloved babies may be experiencing. Not only was your sight extremely informative but I was grateful that you included not just the benefits of each individual natural/herbal remedies as well as other useful information but what I really liked was the notes on properly mixing the ingredients, the amounts on their own & for the mixtures along with how often to give the doses per day & the time for each source to get the full benefits from each remedy. Another bonus was not pushing advertisements to buy products on pre-made supplements that personally I have found in the past even with a veterinary seal of approval as many of these are easily disguised by plenty of manufacturers as the real vet approved seal which usually do not work but can cause more harm than good.
Again thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is greatly appreciated.