25 Incredibly Easy Home Remedies for Worms in Dogs
It's so important to get a home remedy for worms in dogs quickly! These nasty little parasites are not your friend, but luckily there is an easy way of getting rid them. All it takes is some natural dewormers that won't risk side effects or harm my pup at all - just read this article now before time runs out on you and those pesky critters make themselves right at home inside sufferin' from debilitating itching as well...
Signs and symptoms your dog has worms
Once your dog has contracted worms, there may be a few days, weeks, or even months before they begin to show signs or symptoms of the worms being present. However, if you keep a close eye on your dog like I do, you will immediately notice any changes in their behavior and/or health. Signs and symptoms of worms you should be aware of include:
- Lethargy
- Swollen stomach that resembles a pot belly
- Dull coat
- Coughing
- Lack of energy
- Rapid and/or labored breathing
- Frequent flatulence
- White specks (worm eggs or larvae, or even adult worms) in your dog’s feces
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Weight loss
- Huge appetite with no weight gain
- Anemia (lowered count of red blood cells)
- Scratching at the rear end or base of their tail
- Pulling their bum across the carpet or floor to relieve itching
- Feces with mucus and/or drops of blood
- Weakness
- Abdominal Pain
The tricky thing about worms, is your dog can show no signs or symptoms until the infestation is full blown. Depending on the overall health of your dog or it’s age, it may show only one sign or symptom of worms, yet many dogs with worms will exhibit several of the above listed signs and symptoms all at once.
If you have noticed any signs or symptoms of a worm infestation, you will need to take a fecal sample to your vet to determine which type of worms they have. This is crucial because some worms can be spread to humans or other animals. After your dog has indeed been diagnosed with worms, you can begin fighting those suckers off right now.
Luckily for you and your pup, there are plenty of natural remedies for deworming of dogs. All it takes is a quick Google search or walk down any drugstore aisle to find them!
1. Coconut oil aids digestions and treats worms
Besides dried coconut, you can also use coconut oil to treat worms in dogs. Coconut oil has many benefits for your pet because:
- It has antifungal properties and can keep in bay yeast infection when applied topically.
- Coconut oil boost metabolism and soothes the digestive system.
- It helps the dog's immune system and prevents skin inflammations.
- Coconut oil can prevent and kill parasites, including giardia.
Required Ingredients:
- Coconut oil
- Consider your dog’s body weight.
- Start introducing coconut oil to your dog’s diet slowly.
- For small dogs, ¼ of a teaspoon is enough, but big dogs might require up to one tablespoon.
- Repeat daily.
- Keep an eye on your dog’s stool to see if he will eliminate the parasites.
- Go to the vet if there is no improvement in two weeks.
Notes: Giving too much coconut oil too fast might result in diarrheal and gasses. In addition to this, you must monitor your dog closely for weight gain while giving him coconut oil.
2. Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Seed Extract also known as GSE is an acidic supplement and once it is in your dog’s digestive system, it will help to remove the mucus lining as well as help to kill any worm larvae. The acid from the grapefruit seed extract makes the digestive system too acidic for any worms present.
Required Ingredients:
- 1 bottle of GSE
- 1 dropper
- Combine 5-10 drops of the GSE into your dog’s food. For every 10 pounds of weigh that is one your dog, you will need to add 5-10 drops.
- Repeat this twice per day for at least two weeks.
3. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is a powerful natural supplement that will be effective in killing any adult worms present, save for tapeworms. Once the adult worm population is removed, the breeding process is interrupted and soon your dog will be worm free.
Required Ingredients:
- Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. (Ensure you are getting Food grade, NOT Pool Grade!)
- Mix 1 tsp for small dogs and up to 1tbsp for larger dogs into their food one per day.
- Repeat daily for up to two weeks.
- You can also lightly sprinkle their fur with the DE to help prevent and kill fleas to prevent tapeworms.
Notes: Ensure you have thoroughly stirred the DE into your dog’s food as inhaling the DE can irritate their lungs and bronchial tubes.
4. Black Walnut Hulls
Black walnut hulls are very common and highly effective in treating tapeworms. The high acidic content in black walnut hulls helps to kill and expel any tapeworms, eggs, and larvae present. 1 capsule per 20 pounds of body weight is the recommended dosage.
Required Ingredients:
- Measure out the correct dosage for your dog (if 10 pounds only half a capsule, 5 pounds only ¼ a capsule)
- Mix with your dog’s food once per day.
- Repeat daily for two weeks.
Notes: Do not exceed the recommended dosage amounts as it can cause vomiting or more harmful effects.
5. Ground Pumpkin Seeds
Raw pumpkin seeds are very common for treating worms in dogs. Not only will they help to expel any worms, larvae, and eggs present, raw pumpkin seeds can help to prevent worms from occurring.
Required Ingredients:
- Wash and grind up ½ cup of the raw pumpkin seeds.
- Add ¼ a teaspoon to your dog’s food for every 10 pounds of body weight.
- Repeat twice per day for two weeks.
Notes: Raw pumpkin seeds are safe for any age of dog and even for pregnant dogs.
6. Ground Cloves
Clove is effective in killing off even the smallest of worms and their eggs. One clove to 10 pounds of body weight is the recommended dosage.
Required Ingredients:
- Ground Cloves
- Add the recommended dosage to your dog’s food each day.
- Repeat for at least two weeks.
Notes: This remedy should not be used on pregnant dogs as it can cause a miscarriage. For smaller dogs, a small pinch of ground clove can be added to their food.
7. Goldenseal
Whether it is goldenseal tea or it is a tincture, goldenseal is highly effective in fighting off intestinal worms.
Required Ingredients:
- One tincture or one cup of goldenseal tea
- Dropper
- Add 1-3 drops of the goldenseal to your dog’s food.
- Repeat once per day for two weeks.
8. Cleaning Your Home and Dog’s Areas
When your dog has worms, you may notice larvae or eggs on your dog’s hind end. This is why it is important to keep your home and your dog’s area very clean. This includes bedding, cages, toys, and food bowls. Not only will these help prevent a re-infestation, but also help prevent worms from spreading to any other dogs or cats present in the home.
Required Ingredients:
- Vacuum
- Bleach
- Washer and Dryer
- Vacuum your entire home daily.
- Scrub any cages and dog toys with a small amount of bleach.
- Wash any bedding in hot water and dry on a hot temperature.
- Wash your dog’s food and water bowl with a tiny amount of bleach and hot water. Be sure to rinse well before giving back to your dog.
- Repeat this process every couple of days to kill any expelled larvae or eggs.
9. Giving Your Dog a Flea and Tick Bath
Tapeworms are caused by ingesting fleas so a flea bath is absolutely recommended. You can use a flea and tick shampoo and/or a couple drops of tea tree oil to help get rid of fleas, flea larvae, and their eggs.
Required Ingredients:
- Flea and tick shampoo of your choice.
- Bathe your dog and allow the shampoo to remain in a lather on your dog’s fur and skin for at least 15 minutes. This will ensure to kill any fleas present.
- Repeat every 3 days until there are no longer fleas present.
10. Clean Your Yard
Keeping your yard clean and free from feces is a major step in preventing spread of worms and re-infestation.
Required Ingredients:
- Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
- Plastic Bags
- Something to Scoop up Poop
- Scan your yard and remove any feces found. (If your dog has had diarrhea, cover it with the DE)
- Once all feces has been removed, sprinkle your yard with DE.
- Pick up after your dog each time the go outside.
- Sprinkle your yard with DE every other day.
11. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent home remedy to get rid of worms in dogs. It’s high alkaline content makes your dog’s intestines uninhabitable for any worms present.
Required Ingredients:
- 1 bottle of organic apple cider vinegar
- Add ¼ to 1 teaspoon of the apple cider vinegar to your dog’s water.
- Repeat each day until your dog no longer has worms.
12. Wormwood
Wormwood is extremely powerful in expelling worms fast, especially roundworms, threadworms, and tapeworms.
Required Ingredients:
- Dried wormwood
- Add ¼ teaspoon of dried wormwood to your dog’s food.
- Repeat once per day for no more than 3 consecutive days.
Notes: Wormwood can be harmful if you give your dog too much. It is important to not allow your dog to overdose. While this is a strong de-worming method, it should only be used in the most health dogs and only in extreme cases.
13. Fresh Carrot
Raw carrot is great for deworming as it removes the mucus of your dog’s intestinal lining which helps to expel the worms. And since carrot has a sweet taste, most dogs enjoy eating it.
Required Ingredients:
- Finely chopped raw carrot
- Add ½ a teaspoon of carrot for every 10 pounds of weight on your dog to their food.
- Repeat twice daily for at least 10 days.
Notes: You may notice your dog’s feces turning orange- if this happens it is ok, but you may want to reduce the amount of carrot they are getting.
14. Green Papaya
Fresh green papaya is great for eliminating roundworms. It will provide your dog with the protein to digest old mucus and any parasites that are present.
Required Ingredients:
- One green papaya
- Finely chop the green papaya and add ½ teaspoon for every 10 pounds of weight to your dog’s food.
- Repeat daily for two weeks.
15. Turmeric
Turmeric naturally contains four compounds that fight and expel worms. In addition, turmeric can aid in any inflammation or damage in the intestines caused by the presence of worms.
Required Ingredients:
- Fresh or ground turmeric
- Finely chop the fresh turmericAdd ¼ a teaspoon of turmeric for every 10 pounds of weight to your dog’s food
- Repeat daily for up to two weeks.
16. Probiotics
Probiotics are great for digestive health. Once the probiotics reach your dog’s intestinal tract, they will help to bring it back to a healthy state. Probiotics should be used alongside other remedies to give your dog the best chance of returning to a healthy state, faster.
Required Ingredients:
- Give your dog ¼-1 capsule of probiotics depending on their weight.
- Repeat daily for one to two weeks.
17. Dried Coconut
Dried coconut is known as what is called a vermifuge. Vermifuge are highly effective in removing tapeworms from the body. Dried coconut also has a pleasant taste and smell so your dog will be eager to enjoy it with their food.
Required Ingredients:
- Dried coconut (make sure there is no added sugar)
- Sprinkle the dried coconut onto your dog’s food.
- Repeat twice a day for up to ten days.
Small dogs: 1 teaspoon
Medium dogs: 2 teaspoons
Large dogs: 3 teaspoons
18. Black Seed
Black Seed, or sometimes seen as black cumin seed, comes from the middle east and parts of Africa. It has been used as a home remedy to cure ‘everything but death’ by indigenous populations for centuries. Black seed is highly effective against fighting worms and safe to use on any age of dog.
Required Ingredients:
- One bottle of black seeds
- Measure out ½ -1 teaspoon depending on the weight of your dog and heat the seeds to help remove the bitter taste.
- Combine the seeds with your dog’s food.
- Repeat once per day for two weeks
Notes: Using the whole black seeds are best, but you can also use black seed oil. If you do end up using the oil, make sure to cut the dose in half.
19. Chamomile
Chamomile is a natural remedy known for its soothing and calming properties which is great in assisting inflammation, bloating, or irritation caused by any worms present. In addition to being a soother, chamomile can directly help to expel roundworms and whipworms. While you can give your dog chamomile tea, a chamomile tincture is more potent to fighting off worms.
Required Ingredients:
- One tincture of chamomile tea
- Give your dog .25 or .50 ml’s of the chamomile tincture per 20 pounds of body weight.
- Add it to your dog’s water or place it directly inside your dog’s mouth.
- Repeat twice daily for up to two weeks.
20. Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract is powerful in expelling worms from your dog’s digestive system. This is due to the fact that olives contain a potent compound called Oleopurin. The high amounts if Oleopurin found in olive leafs will allow your dog to expel worms without having to give them too much oil. Olive leaf extract is sold with varying degrees of Oleopurin content. Find one that contains 12% or more.
Required Ingredients:
- One bottle of Olive Leaf extract with at least 12% Oleopurin
- Give your dog the proper dosage of the olive leaf extract twice per day with food.
- Repeat each day for eight weeks.
Small dogs: 300mg
Medium dogs: 500mg
Large Dogs: 1000mg
21. Neem Leaf
Neem is a strong anti-bacterial and anti-parasite that can be used in humans and dogs. Neem leafs are especially helpful for removing intestinal worms, except for tapeworms.
Required Ingredients:
- One bottle of ground neem leaf
- Add the ground neem leaf to your dog’s food and mix well.
- Repeat twice a day for at least one week to eliminate worms.
Small dogs: 150mg per day
Medium dogs: 250mg per day
Large dogs: 500 mg per day
22. Slippery Elm
Slippery Elm is a natural and gentle laxative and when your dog takes it, be prepared to take them outside. This powerful, yet gentle laxative will help your dog expel any eggs, larvae, and adult worms that may be present in their digestive tracts.Since it is such a powerful laxative, it is recommended to use Slippery Elm alongside other remedies to help eliminate the worms faster and more effectively.
Required Ingredients:
- One bottle of Slippery Elm capsules
- Combine 1/8 a teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight with your dog’s food.
- Repeat once per day for one week.
23. Oregon Grape Extract
Oregon Grape Extract contains the highly potent compound known as berberine. Berberine is a strong immune booster, infection fighting, anti-parasite agent that is used for a variety of health conditions in humans and dogs. Oregon Grape Extract can also be used as a liver tonic.
Required Ingredients:
- One tincture of Oregon Grape Extract
- Add 12 drops for every 20 pounds of weight on your dog to your dog’s food.
- Repeat twice per day for one week.
Notes: It is very important to follow the dosage amount so you do not give your dog an overdose. Do not use this home remedy if your dog is pregnant or lactating.
24. Place Your Dog on a 24 Hour Fast
One of the main reasons worms thrive in your dog’s system is due to the easy access of food. When you take away their food source, even for just 24 hours the adult worms and larvae will weaken and it will interrupt the breeding process.
Required Ingredients:
- None
- Take away food and treats from your dog for a 24 hour period.
- Allow your dog to have access to fresh water during this time.
- Use this in combination of other home treatments for strong and more effective results in eliminating worms.
- Repeat the fast once per week for one month to fully eliminate worms.
Notes: This remedy should only be used in healthy dogs. It is advised to contact your vet before placing your dog on a fast.
25. Adjust Your Dog’s Diet
Diet is one of the most important parts to your dog’s overall health. When your dog has worms, you need to closely examine their diet since worms thrive on foods rich in fat and dairy.
Required Ingredients:
- None
- Remove any foods in your dog’s diet such as whole milk and eggs. These foods are a favorite for any intestinal worms.
- You may re-introduce these foods to your dog’s diet after three weeks of being worm free.
How Do Dogs Get Worms?
Catching worms can be an unpleasant experience for both you and your pup. The causes are similar across types, but there's one way that always leads to trouble - eating dirty or infected dirt! Keep reading if this sounds like something serious has happened with regards to catching those little guys in tow:
- Soil contaminated with worm eggs, larvae, or adult worms
- Contaminated grooming supplies
- Coming into contact with the feces of other dogs or cats with worms
- Malnutrition
- Passing of worms from the mother to the puppy
- Ingesting adult fleas or flea larvae
- Mosquito bites
- Stagnant water your dog has drank from
- Coming into contact with cats or rodents that have worms
- Saliva of infected dogs
- Flea Bites
Types Of Dog Worms
Hookworms will be found in your dog’s small intestines where they like to feed on your dog’s blood. They are grey in color and typically ½ an inch to ¾ an inch in length.
Also living in the small intestines, roundworms are long and thin. They can be anywhere from one to seven inches in length and resemble cooked spaghetti noodles.
Tapeworms will live throughout your dog’s intestinal system. They are long and flat and many times you will see the segments of the tapeworm that have broken off from the live tapeworm in your dog’s feces.
Heartworms are given to dogs through mosquitos. They are larvae like and can reside in your dog undetected for years. This is why you should routinely test your dog’s blood at your vet to determine the presence of this type of worm. Unfortunately, if your dog is exhibiting signs of heartworms, it may be too late since heartworms are highly fatal in dogs. Once again, it is important to routinely test your dog’s blood for heartworms.
Threadworms are thin, tiny, and threadlike- which is where there name comes from. Threadworms are transmitted through saliva and can get into your dog’s blood stream, windpipes, and intestines.
Worm Life Cycle
Worms are not only dirty creatures but they can also be the cause of many pest problems. Understanding how worms reproduction works will help you interrupt it and stop any infestation from occurring in your home or business! Worm eggs come out when someone consumes them through food, wastewater containing animal waste like human poop (yuck!), etc., which then hatches into immature forms called "worms." These little guys feed on organic matter until maturity where their diet consists mostly of protein-rich foods such as meat products; this leads to more adult wormstrokes--the Stage 2.
Once the worms reach adulthood, they will start feeding. This process allows them to reproduce and lay hundreds or even thousands of eggs in your dog's system! Some adults may be expelled as waste matter so you'll notice these appear often with large quantities too- that’s when we know there is an infestation going on for sure 😉
A full life cycle of one type could take four- seven days once they're inside our body; this is why most people don’t notice until there crawling around within themselves—and sometimes even then it takes time before all signs point directly towards “ Worms."
It's important to be able identify the type of worm you're dealing with because some can infect humans, especially children. That is why it will help keep your dog and any other kids safe if they practice strict hygiene around their pet!
How to Prevent Your Dog From Getting Worms
While these home remedies for worms in dogs are excellent to help get rid of worms, prevention is one of the most important steps. Preventing worms from returning or worse, spreading, is crucial for your dog’s, other pets, and even your families health. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to help prevent worms from ever coming back or spreading.
- Make sure your dog has a strong immune system. Giving your dog vitamins and proper, high quality food can help ensure they have a strong immune system. Dogs with a strong immune system will be less likely to develop worms.
- 80% of your dog’s immune system occurs in their digestive system. A healthy diet of whole foods, natural, or even a raw meat based diet are best for their overall health.
- Keep your yard free from feces regularly.
- Keep your dog’s environment clean and make sure to clean it regularly. Once per week is recommended to avoid fleas, ticks, and worms. And your pet will enjoy having a nice clean place to live and rest.
- Clean your dog’s food and water bowls each day to prevent oral spread of worms and other illnesses.
- Make sure to keep your dog away from any animal feces when you are taking them for a walk or to the dog park. Feces is the most common way for intestinal worms to spread so keep a close eye on your dog whenever you take them out.
- Test your dog’s feces every two months after a worm infestation to ensure they have fully been eradicated from your dog’s system.
Inside every pet is a wonder, waiting to be explored. I'm sure you know how important your dog or cat can be in our lives! It gives us so much joy when they're healthy and happy--and it should also feel that way for them too because these animals are family members just like any other member would be treated with love & care by those who share their life together...
Which of these home remedies for worms in dogs did you find most helpful? Let me know which one was best and what kind or treatment worked on your pup!
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Hey! My 5 yr old maltese has tapeworms.. I’m guessing he ate something. His regular diet consists of homemade recipe along with herbs and spices, aloe juice, golden paste, kefir, and digestive enzymes.
I’ve been doing DE for past 10 days along with garlic, pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut and carrots, and clove. I’ve been doing black walnut hull for past week(2 drops now). I also do ACV, slippery elm, and olive leaf. I still see segments in his poop and dry ones on his fur in the morning.
Is it going to take long time to kill on all this stuff or am I close?
Thank u so much for theese home remsdeies.I will give them a try.
We have 2 labs. 1 -11 yrs old and 1 – 17 mths. Both gave tapeworms (I think). We just started giving them the ground pumpkin seed, ground up cloves, carrots, apple cider vinegar in water. All given twice a day. Sometimes garlic. Is this all too muchfor them? Thank you
Thank you so much. Information was very, very helpful.
I dont c any worms in his poop.i just dewormed him for 3 day finishing up with meds yesterday.now there r tiny white worms mayb 1/8 of an inch in his coat.this is the second time this has happened.any suggestions
Hi, how you going keeping those worms at bay?
White letters on pale green, or is it pale green on white letters. REALLY, I MEAN REALLY
I read that raw or cooked garlic was toxic to dogs! Yet you say you can give it to them for worms? There is obvious confusion here.
Eat some Kashi, burn some patchouli, scrub your house with sage and go get the proper stuff from your veterinarian. Do you really want to guess if your dog has worms next time they lick yours or your kids hands or face?
Don’t use shampoo’s which contain harmful chemicals. To kill fleas on cats or dogs, all you need is some natural shampoo. Wet the pet thoroughly, add shampoo to the coat. To do this, I find putting some on my hand, then gently rub your hands together getting the shampoo evenly ALL over hands. Rub your hands all over making sure the shampoo is spread. You may need to repeat this until there’s enough to get lots of suds all over. Make sure the shampoo reaches the skin, give them a nice massage.
Leave the shampoo in for 20-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
If you can get hold of a natural shampoo which has Neem Oil in it, great, this will help kill any fleas or ticks, it also has heal thing properties which helps with flea bites and it will also help to repel the fleas afterwards.
There’s been times where I’ve put some shampoo into a small container or jug, then put in a few drops of neem oil, then use this all over. Rinse well!
DO NOT USE DAWN DISH SOAP. Many pet parents I know have used this and regret it. Its BAD stuff for dogs, just don’t use it!!
Try the Baltic Amber collar, works for our dogs.
Why is Dawn dish soap so bad we have been hit hard this year & Dawn has been better than everything else and my very sensitive Australian Shepard has no problem…
Because of the ingredients, don’t you ever read your labels, I mean really know whats in there?
My dog had fleas and I gave him a medicine the vet gave me and the vet doctor told me to bath her in dawn, that it will kill any left.
Can you give the Raw pumpkin seeds TOGETHER with the NutriBiotic Vegan Grapefruit Seed Extract to combat the worms at the same time to one dog? Is it safe to give together?