An ant bite is not exactly a matter of life and death…at least not for most people. If you are allergic to ant bites, congratulations – you are a part of the “privileged” minority and your allergy is probably the reason you are reading this article. The itchiness that results from an ant bite can be very uncomfortable, even unbearable.

The good news? Peace and comfort are just a simple home remedy away! Read on, then, to learn about some amazing and really effective home remedies for ant bites!

Causes of Ant Bites

Ants will usually attack when they feel they are in danger – fire ants are a great example. Some ant venom can have an extremely adverse effect, especially on people with weaker immune systems like the elderly, sick people or children, so it is important to avoid them.

Ant venom is so dangerous that it is being used by governments and military groups as a chemical agent in warfare.

Prevention of ant bites is the best treatment – more on this later. Absolutely anyone who has come into contact with ants faces the danger of an ant bite or sting, especially if he or she is in a region with a lot of ant nests. These look like mounds with different diameter lengths. Some are over 50 cm high.

Signs and Symptoms of Ant Bites

Ant bites can actually be very upsetting. They can cause more than discomfort and pain (the pain itself does not last more than several seconds). It is a single sting-like sensation, followed by uncontrollable itchiness that many find difficult to deal with.

What is more, the area of your skin that is affected will start swelling and this is simply intolerable, not to mention a serious impediment if you’re in a hurry to get somewhere.

Allergic reactions to ant bites

Now, getting down to some of the more serious stuff. Most people don’t know that they’re allergic to something before they get bitten/stung by it. There are four types of allergic reactions to ant bites: local, large local, mild systemic and severe systemic.

Local reactions are the most common – swelling, itchiness, redness and mild pain. This rarely lasts more than a day. The larger reaction affects bigger areas of skin and can last up to two days. The third type – mild systemic reactions – may involve the digestive system, causing cramps and nausea.

Finally, severe systemic reactions include wheezing, chest pain, profuse vomiting, hypotension, and angioedema among others.

Home Remedies for Ant Bites

10 Amazing Home Remedies for Ant Bites

1. Hot Water – No-Brainer

On second thought, this isn’t as simple as it sounds. When it comes to dealing with ant bites, it is important to use water that isn’t too hot to avoid the opposite effect. If you get burned, the ant bite will get even worse. You don’t need that with all the itching and everything.

Required Ingredients:

  • A cup of bearably hot water


  • Place the affected area of the skin under the tap in the sink or washbasin and start pouring water on it.
  • At first, the itch will get more severe, but it is going to go away in less than 10 seconds! You will feel relief for about half an hour after that.
  • The itch might return – if it does, repeat the process as needed. The relief will be longer every time you do this.

Note:  Remove the affected area when you feel relief. You will not benefit from pouring hot water over it continuously.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar – Regular vinegar works just as well

apple cider vinegar

Have you ever had an ant bite that really hurt? Vinegar can help relieve these bites. The remedy will calm down irritated skin, ensuring instant relief from the pain! Have doctors used this centuries ago to heal wounds on humans with medicinal purposes-I’m sure it’ll work just as well today too because we’re all human beings here… unless someone has their blood sugar low or something fancy like diabetes comes into play 🙂

Required Ingredients:

  • One tablespoon of ACV
  • One glass of water


  • Add a few spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar to warm water and let it cool before applying on your skin. Rub gently until you start noticing relief from the irritation, which can take up to six hours or more in some cases!

Note: Do not think this is all apple cider vinegar is good for. It also helps people suffering from heart problems, aids weight loss, reduces blood sugar levels and alleviates symptoms of diabetes.

3. Hand Sanitizer – Kill the itch with kindness

Hand Sanitizer

If you are prone to ant bites, always keep a bottle of hand sanitizer around the house. When you are bitten, put a dollop of hand sanitizer on the irritated spot – do not spare it – and let it work. It will help relieve the itchiness and pain in just a few hours.

Note: This remedy rarely works on its own – you need to supplement it with one or more of these home remedies for ant bites.

4. Lemon and Baking Soda – The effect is guaranteed


Baking soda is a great natural remedy for ant bites because of its carbon dioxide, which leads to the elimination of irritation. It is an antacid, relieving itchiness and skin pain by neutralizing the ant venom.

Baking soda works well with lemon for a double dose of relief. The acidity of lemon facilitates a compensatory response of the body where the pH increases, going from more acidic (low) to more alkaline (high). When dissolved in water, baking soda also increases the body’s pH and its ability to fight off ant venom.

Required Ingredients:

  • Some lemon juice
  • A tablespoon of baking soda


  • Add the baking soda to the juice of one fresh lemon and wait for it to start to fizz.
  • You can add some water if you want. Stir the mix until the baking soda is fully dissolved.
  • Apply to the irritated area until the ant bite signs and symptoms go away. Again, do not overdo it to avoid experiencing the opposite effect.

5. Lubricate the skin with olive oil

olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is a staple in many kitchens. It can be used to make your favorite salads more flavorful and tasty, as well healing ailments like arthritis pain or inflammatory conditions with its oleic acid content that inhibits COX-1 & 2 enzymes found responsible for causing these symptoms!

What’s the deal with olive oil and ibuprofen? It turns out that 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil contains 200 mg of an anti-inflammatory drug called Ibudeprine. So if you’re looking for some extra relief from your aches then this might be just what is needed!

Required Ingredients:

  • One teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil


  • In order to reduce inflammation and redness, apply some olive oil on your skin a few times per day.


You may not think twice about adding a few tablespoons of olive oil to your cooking, but did you know that this simple fat can actually help protect against insect bites and stings? Allergic people should definitely consider consuming it. I recommend taking my advice with an open mind – after all, we’re only human beings who want what’s best for our health!

This passage discusses how eating more than just calories from other sources will make one stronger during emergency situations such as being in contact with insects or experiencing allergic reactions because there are so many nutrients found exclusively within animal products like meat (especially chicken).

6. Ammonia

As soon as you start feeling the symptoms of an ant bite or they show, use ammonia to clean the area. You don’t need to get anything special – most window cleaners contain ammonia. Just spray a bit of Windex or whatever you have on the irritated spot to minimize the effects of the ant bite. Ammonia is a very powerful chemical that will destroy ant venom.

Again, take care not to spray too much. Ammonia is, after all, a strong substance that may have adverse effects on the skin. Don’t let it kill your skin cells along with the ant venom!

7. Honey – the food of the gods and the enemy of ants

Honey is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. It contains elements like organic acids, enzymes and antioxidants which work as anti-inflammatory agents or sources of moisture on the skin – not only does it help heal cuts by preventing infection but also softens them up so they don’t leave scars behind!

Required Ingredients:

  • One teaspoon of honey
  • A glass of hot water


  • Mix one teaspoon of honey into a glass of hot water and rub it slowly onto your skin several times per day to reduce inflammation. When you are finished with this process, let any excess moisture dry before applying anything else for best results!

8. Soap Bar or Diluted Bleach (Diluted – i.e. mixed with water!)


When you get an ant bite, run home (or somewhere indoors) and grab a soap bar. It doesn’t have to be antibacterial – in fact, evidence suggests antibacterial soap isn’t all it’s cracked up to be – but that’s another issue altogether.

Required Ingredients:

  • A bar of soap


  • Gently press and rub the soap into the affected skin spot/s. This ensures a protective coating over the irritated skin area impeding the effects of the harmful bacteria as well as destroying those on the surface of the skin that would otherwise move into the deeper skin layers through cuts and wounds.
  • Rubbing the affected area with soap is also a reasonable way to prevent pain, swelling and itching.
  • Repeat as needed, but at least four times a day.

In the event this does not work, you have no choice but to bleach. It truly is your last resort. Please observe the title of this subsection – diluted bleach.

This is one of the best home remedies for ant bites. But why does bleach work so well?

It works because it breaks down the protein in the ant’s venom, which is a mixture of protein and alkaloid. Dab a little bit of bleach on the ant bite, having mixed it 50:50 with water before that.

9. Eucalyptus oil – the power of eucalyptol


Research on eucalyptus oil shows that it has a variety of anti-microbial and immune-modifying properties. It contains a chemical called eucalyptol, which is the reason it is so effective against skin irritation caused by insect bites.

Required Ingredients:

  • A few drops of eucalyptus oil
  • Hot water


  • Pour the essential oil into a cup of hot water and rub on the irritated spot. Repeat as needed until the itch subsides.

Note: Eucalyptus oil has many other beneficial medicinal and biological properties. Click here to learn more about its amazing effect on people’s health!

10. Clay – Absorbs the venom and leaves your skin clean and healthy

Clay is an amazing absorber, extracting all kinds of toxins from the human body. It is no wonder that it has been used as a remedy since ancient times.

The properties are owed to the fact that toxins are electro-positive and clay is negative. The trace minerals in clay enter the bloodstream through the skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • Some clay
  • A bit of water


  • Mix the clay and water to create a paste and cover your bite and the surrounding area with it. This paste ensures almost immediate relief from itchiness and pain.

Note: Make sure you get natural clay – it has a host of beneficial properties and soothes all kinds of pains and aches. It is found in most gardens. To some extent, where there are ants there is clay, so you are in luck.

How to Prevent Ant Bites

As we said earlier, the best treatment for ant bites is prevention, especially if you are allergic. So, how to avoid being bitten?

Do not squish ants and avoid disrupting lines of ants with your hand, finger or foot. If you see an ant somewhere on your body, shake it off or brush it off.

Keep in mind that there are more ants in areas with little ground cover, compact soil or bare earth. You can bet there are plenty of ants around if there aren’t many big trees in the area where you are.


Did you enjoy our list of home remedies? Ant bites can potentially be life-threatening – now you know how to cure yourself without fretting, panicking, and taking expensive anti-allergy medication!

Don’t panic when an ant crawls on your skin. We’ve got 7 natural ways that will help relieve the pain in no time flat (and probably stop any future infestations). Share this article with friends/family members who are constantly being bitten by these pesky bugs so they too may receive relief soon enough 🙂

A qualified doctor, Dr. Kyra Russel Jr. is someone who wears many hats, working also as a health writer, author, researcher, and media medic. She is a master communicator who is passionate about putting convoluted health information into words that make the information widely accessible. Her primary interests are child and adolescent health, women’s well-being, beauty, and nutrition.

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